energy efficiency assessments are not limited to houses larger building complexes need to be audited assessed and rated

Welcome to Enatap Energy Ratings

Townhouse building complexes are our specialty when it comes to energy efficiency assessments and audits

Energy Efficiency Assessments and Audits

All new dwellings, extensions/renovations and relocated homes must comply with minimum rating standards for energy efficiency.

Council Building Legislation requires that Energy Efficiency Assessments be prepared in order to demonstrate that proposed new dwellings meet the energy efficency standards of the Building Code of Australia. Following an audit the Energy Efficiency Assessment results in a final Energy Efficiency Rating for those dwellings.

With the move to sustainable building design, government is increasingly legislating for reductions in greenhouse gas emissions with the goal of utilizing energy more efficiently

Energy Efficient Buildings

An energy efficient home is a building which provides a high level of thermal comfort without an over reliance on artificial heating and cooling.

Ppassive solar design,for example,is a powerful technique for achieving year round thernal comfort. You can achieve a sustainable energy effieient home which is cool in summer and warm in winter.

Construction Analysis

The physical properties of a structure and its insulation, affects the thermal performance of the building. The insulating properties of the building envelope determines the rate of heat flow between building and the surrounding environment. A high percentage of heat also transfers through glazing, but this can be minimized with correct placement, size and shading.

Analyse Building Plans

When building plans are assessed and do not meet the minimum requirements for energy efficiency, we will advise solutions and recommendations for the dwelling to pass the energy efficiency assessment requirement. We will look at glazing, insulation, shading and ventilation.

"Our aim is to provide independent and affordable Energy Efficiency Assessments ensuring compliance with current standards and regulations. We do this through mutual relationships with clients and personnel in the building industry. We have earned trust and respect through our commitment to first class service"

. . . . . . . . Paul Patane (Assessing Manager)


  • CPP41212 Certificate IV
    NatHERS Assessment
  • CPP41110 Certificate IV
    Home Sustainability Assesssment
  • BDAV Accreditation Number
  • BERS PRO License Number
    QLD 151
we are accredited members of the BDAV buliding designers association victoria BERS is the Home Energy Rating Scheme that can be used to assign an energy efficiency assessment star rating to a house within a particular climate type We are licensed under BERS (Building Energy Rating Scheme) which has a computer program that is  used to simulate and analyse the thermal performance of Australian houses.


Information Required

  • Site Plan with North Point
  • Floor Plans
  • Elevations and Sectionals
  • Electrical Plans
  • Window Sizes or Schedule
  • Doucments in PDF Format

Elements Considered

  • Climate
  • Orientation
  • Construction Materials
  • Insulation of Roof,Walls and Floors
  • Roof Colour
  • Shading
  • Ventilation
  • Window Sizes and Placement
  • Floors Coverings
  • Zoning Classification
  • Ceiling Penetrations
  • Building Overshadowing